Replacement for Asus A32-UL30, A31-UL50 laptop batteries
- Battery rating: 14.4V
- Battery capacity: 4400mAh (65Wh)
- Battery cells: 8-cell
- Type: rechargeable Li-ion replacement battery
- Battery color: Black
- Policy: uses the highest quality battery cells, brand new, one year warranty.
This laptop battery for
07G016BV1875, 07G016BW1875, 07G016BZ1875, 07G016C11875, 07G016F11875, 07G016F21875, 07G016F61875, 07G016GN1875, 70-NWU1B1000Z, 70-NWU1B1100Z, 70-NWU1B2000Z, 70-NWU1B2100Z, 70-NWU1B3000Z, 70-NWU1B3100Z, 70-NWU1B4000, 70-NX81B2000Z, 70-NX81B3000Z, 70-NX81B3100Z, 70-NXZ1B1000Z, 70-NZA5B1000ZA, 70-NZA5B6000Z, 70-NZC5B5000Z, 90-NWT3B3000, 90-NWT3B3000Y, 90R-NWU1B3100Y, A31-UL30, A31-UL50, A31-UL80, A32-UL30, A32-UL50, A32-UL80, A41-UL30, A41-UL50, A41-UL80, A42-UL30, A42-UL50, A42-UL80
This laptop battery work with
PL30JT-RO029X, U40S Series, U40SV, PL80JT-WO018X, PRO5G SERIES, PL30JT-RO030X, PRO32 SERIES, PL30JT-RO062V, U35 Series, PL30JT-RO084, PL30JT-RO025X, PL30 SERIES, PL80JT-RO018X, PL30JT-RO030V, U40SD Series, PL80 SERIES, PL30JT-RO040X, PL30JT-RO080X, PL30JT-R0112X, PL80JT-WO065V, PRO32VM, PL80JT-WO036X, PRO5GAT, PL80JT-WO055X, PRO32VJ, PL80JT-WO021X, PL80VT, PL80JT-WO055V, U35JG, U30JC-X3K, U30JT, UL50Vt-XX009X, PRO5GAG, PRO5GVG, PRO32U, U40SD, U30JC-A2B, PRO5GVS, UL30A-QX131X, U30JC-A1, UL30A-QX130X, UL50Vt-XX010x, PRO32VT, U45 Series, U30 Series, PL80J, U30JC-1A, PL30J, UL30J, UL30A-X4, UL80Vt-WX010X, PRO32A, UL50Ag-A3B, U30JC-B1, PRO5GVT, UL50VS-A1B, U35J, UL30V, U45JT, PRO32JT, U45JC-A1, UL80Vt-WX009X, UL80Vt-A1, U30S, UL80 Series, UL30A-A3B, UL30A-X2, PL80JT, UL50V, U35F, UL30A-X3, U30J, UL30A-A2, U45J, PL30JT, UL50Vt-X1, UL50AG-A2, UL30A-X1, UL80J, U30SD, UL50AT, UL50 Series, UL30A-X5, UL80Ag-A1, UL30 Series, UL80VS, UL50Vg-A2, UL30A-A1, UL30JT, UL80JT, UL50VS, UL80Ag, UL50Vt-A1, UL30VT-X1K, UL80V, UL50Ag, U45JC, U35JC, UL30Vt, UL80A, UL50Vg, U30JC, UL50Vt, UL80Vt, U30, UL50A, UL30A, UL80, UL30, UL50
Wholesale & retail Asus A32-UL30, A31-UL50 65Wh rechargeable 8-cell Li-ion laptop batteries